Have you ever wished you could have a do- over? A do- over of the day or week? Or maybe a do-over of your past? You know the things you wish you could have done differently from your past or even your present? I’m sure we all do at some point of our lives. But there is good news! Restoration can come to you. You do not need to live in the past or present of destruction, pain and bondage.
So what does it mean to be restored? The definition of restored is defined as: repaired or renovated so as to return it to its original condition. So restoration means becoming what God called you to be defined with a destiny and purpose. So how do you get there? Let’s give you some examples from God’s word of restoration. First let’s look at the story of the Prodigal son. There was a rich man who had two sons. One day the younger son decided he wanted to leave home and he went to his father and asked for his inheritance. It is evident that the father and son did not have a good relationship. The son even though he loved his father, he decided he wanted to be on his own and he didn’t want to do the authority of his father. He wanted to go his own way, do his own thing and be his own boss. Sounds like he didn’t want to surrender his will, doesn’t it? After a time he ran out of money. He had spent it all for his pleasures. Then he found himself in a desperate situation. There was a famine on the land so he had to go to work. Guess where he went to work? He went to work on a farm feeding pigs. Because of the famine in the land, he started eating with the pigs. Finally, the son thought I can’t do this! So he decided that it would be better to return to the house of his father as a servant than to continue to eat with pigs and eventually starve. As he came down the road, his father saw him. His father had been waiting for his return. So when his father saw him, he ran to meet him. The father didn’t bring him home to be a servant like he thought. His father gladly welcomed him home, not as a servant, but as a son. A feast was made. A robe and a ring were given to the son to attest to his position in the family. Though he had gone away, his father accepted him back with no change in his status as a son. My friend that is how God is. No matter what you have done, what your life looks like, when you come back to the Lord, He restores your life… a life of restoration.
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AuthorA child of God who believes God can set the captive free. Archives
March 2018
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